Sarah A. Schrader
Faculty of Anthropology, Leiden University
Einsteinweg 2, 2333 CC Leiden, The Netherlands
Phone: +31 (0)71 527 1685
2013 PhD Purdue University, Anthropology, with distinction
Dissertation: “Bioarchaeology of the Everyday: Analysis of Diet and Activity Patterns in the Nile Valley” Advisor: Dr. Michele Buzon
2010 MS Purdue University, Anthropology, with distinction
Thesis: “A Bioarchaeological Investigation of Activity Patterns in New Kingdom Nubia” Advisor: Dr. Michele Buzon
2006 BA University of California, Santa Barbara, with honors
Thesis: “Comparative Skeletal Analysis of Stature in California Native Americans” Advisor: Dr. Phillip L. Walker
Academic Positions
2024-Associate Professor, Archaeology, Leiden University
2017-2024Assistant Professor, Archaeology, Leiden University
2016-2017Adjunct Assistant Professor, Anthropology, University of Notre Dame
2014-2016Visiting Assistant Professor, Anthropology, University of California, Santa Cruz
2013-2014Visiting Assistant Professor, Anthropology, Western Michigan University
Research and Teaching Interests
Sociopolitical complexity and resultant inequalities, health disparities, and violence; Psychosocial and physiological stress; Mobility, migration, and ancient diaspora; Frailty & resilience; Bioarchaeology of the everyday; Biogeochemistry & biomolecules; Mortuary archaeology; Nile Valley archaeology (Sudan, Egypt, North Africa); Medieval and Early Modern Low Countries and Western Europe
2019S. Schrader, Activity, Diet, and Social Practice: Addressing Everyday Life in Human Skeletal Remains. Bioarchaeology and Social Theory Series, Springer. (D. Martin, series editor)
2019S. Schrader, Activity, Diet, and Social Practice: Addressing Everyday Life in Human Skeletal Remains. Bioarchaeology and Social Theory Series, Springer. (D. Martin, series editor)
Articles, Peer-Reviewed (*student collaboration)
2025O. Chiappa Zugazagoitia* and S. Schrader, ”The effects of urban living on child, infant, and maternal health: A Comparative Study of Linear Enamel Hypoplasia Between Two Dutch Post-Medieval Populations” International Journal of Osteoarchaeology.
2025J. Carballo Pérez, U. Matić, R. Hall,* S.T. Smith, and S. Schrader, ”Tumplines, Baskets and Precious Burdens: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Bodily Techniques of Carrying Children and Weight in Bronze Age Nubia, New Evidence from Abu Fatima” Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 77:101652.
2024S. Schrader, T. Fushiya, M. Saad, and E.H.A. Hassan, ”Decolonizing Bioarchaeology in Sudan” Journal of African Archaeology 22(1-2):12-38.
2024M. Cansa* and S. Schrader, ”Exploring the Impact of Tobacco Consumption on the Respiratory Health of two Dutch Skeletal Populations (1300-1829 CE). World Archaeology.
2024M. Casna* and S. Schrader, ”The Urban Sea: Cribra orbitalia, Porotic hyperostosis, Linear enamel hypoplasia, and Sinusitis in three diachronic urban sites from the Dutch Province of Zeeland (1030-1800 CE)” International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 34(3):e3302.
2024M. Casna* and S. Schrader, ”Chronic Maxillary Sinusitis: A Comparison of Osteological and CT Methods of Diagnosis” International Journal of Paleopathology 45:30-34.
2024Y. Niu* and S. Schrader, ”Social Inequality and Body Mass Differences in Two Post-Medieval Dutch Populations” International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 34(5):e3320.
2024M. Casna,* A. Davies-Barrett, and S. Schrader, ”Smoking histories: A bioarchaeological approach to tobacco consumption in two skeletal populations from the Netherlands (1300-1829 CE)” Post-Medieval Archaeology 58(1):1-13.
2024A. Tadesse,* and S. Schrader, ”Culinary Colonialism: Exploring the Impact of Egyptian Colonialism on Nubian Populations through an Analysis of Diet” ARCHON Day (2nd place presentation prize)
2024V. Pace,* M. Casna,* and S. Schrader, ”Using computed tomography to diagnose chronic frontal sinusitis in the skeletal remains of a post-medieval Dutch rural community (AD 1829-1866)” Journal of Archaeological Science 170:106041.
2023S. Schrader and J. Carballo-Pérez, ”Special Issue Adaptive Tools for Resilient Bones: Biostatistical Approaches to Past Physical Activity in Osteoarchaeology” International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 33(3): 381-388.
2023B. Shaw ... S. Schrader, and R. Layfield, ”Antibody-based sex determination of human skeletal remains” iScience 26(11): 108191.
2023J. Olszewski,* R. A. Hall,* ... and S. Schrader. ”Osteological, multi-isotope and proteomic analysis of poorly-preserved human remains from a Dutch East India Company burial ground in South Africa” Scientific Reports 13:14666.
2023S. van der Pas and S. Schrader. ”Towards Standardization of Statistical Reporting in Studies on Entheseal Changes.” International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 33(3):475-478.
2023J. Carballo-Pérez and S. Schrader. ”Embodied Labors During the State Formation of Egypt and Nubia (ca. 4800-1750 BCE): Elucidating Transformations in Behavioral Patterns with Entheseal Changes.” International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 33(3):440-460.
2023C. Cheverko, S. Schrader, C. Torres, W. Pestle, and M. Hubbe. ”Emerging Inequality in the San Pedro de Atacama Oases (Chile): An Investigation of Entheseal Patterns Using ANCOVA and Factorial ANOVA” International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 33(3):402-418.
2023M. Casna,* R. Schats, M. Hoogland, and S. Schrader, ”A Distant City: Assessing the Impact of Dutch Socioeconomic Developments on Urban and Rural Health Using Respiratory Disease as a Proxy,” International Journal of Paleopathology 42:34-45.
2023J. Dekker,* ... S. Schrader, M. Soressi, and J. Hendy. ”Spatial Analysis of the Ancient Proteome of Archaeological Teeth Using Mass Spectrometry Imaging” Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 37:e9486.
2023M. Lamer, B. Veselka, S. Schrader, M. Hoogland, and M.B. Brickley, ”Precarious Adolescence: Adolescent Rickets and Anterior Sacral Angulation in Two Dutch Skeletal Collections from the 18th-19th Centuries” International Journal of Paleopathology 40:63-69.
2022S. Schrader, ”The Embodiment of Colonial Strategy: Osteoarthritis in Ancient Nubia” International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 32(4):746-758.
2022I. Sluis,* B. Bartholdy, M. Hoogland, and S. Schrader, ”Age Estimation Using Vertebral Bone Spurs: Testing the Efficacy of Three Methods on a European Population” Forensic Science International: Reports 6:100301.
2022M. Casna* and S. Schrader, ”Urban Beings: A Bioarchaeological Approach to Socioeconomic Status, Cribra Orbitalia, Porotic Hyperostosis, Linear Enamel Hypoplasia, and Sinusitis in the Early-Modern Northern Low Countries (A.D. 1626-1850)” Bioarchaeology International 6(4):217-232.
2022E. Liagre,* M. Hoogland, and S. Schrader, ”It Runs in the Family: Kinship Analysis Using Foot Anomalies in the Cemetery of Middenbeemster (Netherlands, 17th-19th century).” International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 32(4):769-782.
2021S. Schrader and S.T. Smith. “Archaeology of the Kerma Culture.” In The Oxford Encyclopedia of African History., Oxford University Press.
2021M. Casna, C.L. Burrell, R. Schats, M.L.P. Hoogland, and S. Schrader. Urbanisation and respiratory stress in the Northern Low Countries: a comparative study of chronic maxillary sinusitis in two early modern sites from the Netherlands (AD 1626--1866). International Journal of Osteoarchaeology.
2020S. Schrader and C. Torres-Rouff. “Embodying Bioarchaeology: Theory and Practice.” In Theoretical Approaches in Bioarchaeology, ed. C. Cheverko, J. Prince-Buitenhuys, and M. Hubbe. Routledge.
2020B.P. Bartholdy, E. Sandoval, M.L.P. Hoogland, and S. Schrader. Getting Rid of Dichotomous Sex Estimations: Why Logistic Regression Should be Preferred Over Discriminant Function Analysis. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 65(5):1685-1691
2019S. Schrader, M. Buzon, L. Corcoran, and A. Simonetti, “Intraregional 87Sr/86Sr Variation in Nubia: New Insights from Third Cataract.” Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 24:373-379.
2018S. Schrader, S.T. Smith, S. Olsen, and M. Buzon, “Symbolic Equids and Kushite State Formation: A Horse Burial at Tombos.” Antiquity 92(362):383-397.
2018S. Schrader, M. Buzon, and S.T. Smith, “Colonial-indigene interaction in Ancient Nubia: an integrative analysis of diet, health, and the material record.” Bioarchaeology of the Near East 12:1-32.
2017S. Schrader and M. Buzon, “Everyday Life After Collapse: A Bioarchaeological Examination of Entheseal Change and Accidental Injury in Post-Colonial Nubia.” Bioarchaeology International 1(1-2):19-34.
2015S. Schrader, “Elucidating Inequality in Nubia: An Examination of Entheseal Remodeling at Kerma (Sudan).” American Journal of Physical Anthropology 156:192-202.
2014S. Schrader, M. Buzon, and J. Irish, “Illuminating the Nubian ‘Dark Age’: A Bioarchaeological Analysis of Dental Non-Metric Traits During the Napatan Period.” Journal of Comparative Human Biology 65(4):267-280.
2012S. Schrader, “Activity Patterns in New Kingdom Nubia: An Examination of Entheseal Remodeling and Osteoarthritis at Tombos.” American Journal of Physical Anthropology 149:60-70.
Book Chapters, Peer-Reviewed
2024S. Schrader and M. Buzon, ”Isotopic and skeletal approaches to diet and mobility in ancient Nubia.” In Landscape and Resource Management in Bronze Age Nubia: Archaeological Perspectives on the Exploration of Natural Resources and the Circulation of Commodities in the Middle Nile, edited by J. Budka and R. Lemos, Contributions to the Archaeology of Egypt, Nubia, and the Levant 17, Wiesbaden. pp. 159-172.
2024L. Horáčková, A.J. Scheers,* and S. Schrader, ”Skeletal remains.” In Five New Kingdom Tombs at Saqqara, edited by M. J. Raven. Sidestone. pp. 373-403.
2023R.J. Gilmour, L. Mansukoski, and S. Schrader, ”Injury, Disease and Recovery: Skeletal Adaptations to Immobility and Impairment.” In Behaviour in Our Bones: How Human Behaviour Influences Skeletal Morphology, edited by C.S. Hirst, R.J. Gilmour, K.A. Plomp, F.A. Cardoso. Elsevier. pp.281-302
2020S. Schrader and C. Torres-Rouff. ”Embodying Bioarchaeology: Theory and Practice.” In Theoretical Approaches in Bioarchaeology, edited by C. Cheverko, J. Prince-Buitenhuys, and M. Hubbe. Routledge.
2019M. Buzon, S. Schrader, and G. Bowen, “Isotopic Approaches to Mobility in Northern Africa: A Bioarchaeological Examination of Egyptian/Nubian Interaction in the Nile Valley.” In Trans-Sahara: State Formation, Migration and Trade in the Central Sahara (1000 BC-AD 1500), ed. D. Mattingly. Cambridge University Press.
2017S. Schrader and S.T. Smith, “Socializing Violence: Interpersonal Violence Recidivism at Abu Fatima (Sudan).” In Broken Bodies: Bioarchaeological and Forensic Approaches of Accumulative Trauma and Violence, edited by C. Tegtmeyer and D. Martin. Lexington Books, Latham, MD.
Published Reports
2023H. Mickleburgh ... S. Schrader, E. Seferidou. Nederlandse Vereniging voor Fysische Antropologie: Ethical Guidelines on Human Remains.
2019P. del Vesco ... S. Schrader. Current Research of the Leiden-Turin Archaeological Mission in Saqqara: A Preliminary Report of the 2018 Season. Rivista del Museuo Egizio 3.
External Research Funding
2023Dutch Research Council, NWO, Open Competition-XS, ”The Evolution of Stress” awarded to PI S. Schrader (€50,000)
2021Dutch Research Council, NWO, VIDI Grant, ”Embodied Inequality: Transforming Archaeological Knowledge of State Formation, Social Disparity, and Health Inequality” awarded to PI S. Schrader (€800,000)
2021Stichting Nederlands Museum voor Anthropologie en Praehistorie, ”Identifying Ancient Cancer: A Proteomic Approach” awarded to PI S. Schrader and Co-PI R. Layfield (€3,000)
2021Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, Horizon EU Post-Doctoral Fellowship, ”WOmen-PRO: The biological and social profiles of women in pre-pharaonic Egypt and Nubia (4th-3rd millennium BC), a biocultural approach” awarded to PI V. Tamorri and supervisor S. Schrader (€187,625)
2021Dutch Research Council, NWO, PhD Humanities ”A study into the impact of socio-economic changes on the respiratory health of past Dutch populations” awarded to PhD student M. Casna, supervisor S. Schrader, and co-supervisor A. Henry (€254,945)
2018American Association of Physical Anthropologists Cobb Professional Development Grant, “Unearthing Hidden Stress and Frailty: An Assessment of Hair Cortisol and Non-Specific Disease Indicators” ($7,500)
2017Franklin Research Grant, American Philosophical Society, “Moving to the City: An Examination of Migration, Urbanization, and State Formation in Ancient Nubia” ($6,000)
2016National Geographic Society, “Socializing Violence in Ancient Nubia: Connecting Interpersonal Conflict with State Development in the Archaeological Record” ($20,000)
2012National Science Foundation Dissertation Improvement Grant, “Bioarchaeological Analysis of Diet and Activity Patterns in the Nile Valley,” BCS-1128950 ($19,849)
Internal Research Funding
2024Kiem Seed Grant, ”Bones Under the Microscope,” awarded to PI S. Schrader (€10,000)
2021Conference Organization Grant, ”Adaptive Tools for Resilient Bones: Biostatistical Approaches to Past Physical Activity in Osteoarchaeology” Leids Universiteits Fonds, awarded to PI S. Schrader and co-PI J. Carballo-Pérez (€3,750)
2018Bakels Research Grant, “Stressed Out: An Analysis of Archaeological Hair Cortisol,” Leids Universiteits Fonds (€5,000)
2014Research Grant, Office of the Vice President for Research, Western Michigan University ($800)
2013Walter Hirsch Award, Dissertation Research Award, Purdue University ($1,500)
2012Global Research Synergy Grant,“Identifying Migration: Egyptian Diet and Social Identity in Ancient Nubia,” Purdue University ($10,050)
2012Purdue Research Foundation Grant, “Archaeology of the Everyday: A Bioarchaeological Approach to Activity Patterns and Diet of Ancient Nubians,” Purdue University ($15,288)
Archaeological Fieldwork and Experience
2018-Saqqara (Egypt); Researcher
2016-San Pedro de Atacama, Chile; Researcher
2015-Abu Fatima, Sudan; Co-Director of Excavation and lead bioarchaeologist
2015Hannek, Sudan; Co-Director of Excavation and lead bioarchaeologist
2012The British Museum; Researcher
2012Duckworth Laboratory, University of Cambridge; Researcher
2012Panum Institute, University of Copenhagen; Researcher
2010-Tombos, Sudan; Lead bioarchaeologist and lab manager
2007-2008Port Anta Association for Iberian Archaeology, Lisbon; Research and instruction
2023Mentorship Award, British Association for Osteoarchaeology and Biological Anthropology Association, nomination from students
2022Emerging Voice Award, College of Liberal Arts, Purdue University
2019The (Dutch) University Teaching Qualification, Basis Kwalificatie Onderwijs (BKO)
2016Early Career Award, Paleopathology Association
2016Accessibility Leadership Award, Disability Resource Center, University of California, Santa Cruz
2013Teaching Award, Committee for the Education of Teaching Assistants, Purdue University
2011Graduate Teaching Certificate Center for Instructional Excellence, Purdue University
2010Distinguished Masters Thesis Award, Purdue University, College of Liberal Arts
Selected Conference Presentations and Invited Lectures
2021S. Schrader “The Embodiment of Colonial Strategy: Osteoarthritis in Ancient Nubia” poster presented, Paleopathology Association
2020S. Schrader, M. Buzon, and A. Simonetti “Strontium Isotope Variability (87Sr/86Sr) in the Ancient Nile Valley (Egypt and Nubia): Establishing Baseline Data and Tracking Human Mobility” poster presented, American Association for Physical Anthropologists
2019S. Schrader “Stressed to Death: An Analysis of Hair Cortisol and Non-Specific Stress Indicators” podium presentation, British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology
2019S. Schrader (keynote). “Osteoarchaeology in the Nile Valley: What Bones Can Tell Us About Ancient Life” podium presentation, International Congress for Young Egyptologists
2019S. Schrader. “Archaeological Hair Cortisol: A New Frontier?” podium presentation, Nederlandse Vereniging voor Fysische Antropolgoie
2018S. Schrader and S.T. Smith. “Secondary State Formation at the Third Cataract: Integrating Skeletal and Funerary Data from Abu Fatima” podium presentation, The 14th International Conference for Nubian Studies
2018S. Schrader. “Mortuary Trends and Tenets in Ancient Nubia: A Case Study from the Third Cataract (Sudan)” podium presentation, Mortuary Archaeology Today: Approaches, Methods and Ethics, Groningen
2018S. Schrader, M. Hubbe, and C. Torres-Rouff. “Contextualizing the Biocultural Approach with Practice Theory: Physical Activity and Inequality During the Andean Middle Horizon and Late Intermediate Period” podium presentation, American Association of Physical Anthropologists
See full CV for teaching experience, laboratory training and experience, awards, outreach, and professional activities and service.